FLYfx called on the expertise of Glen Hoffman and SlamMedia Group when Marke Communications wanted the soup to nuts solution for creating six fun and informative spots for MySuit. Hoffman shot using P2 files recorded to a firestore then edited on Final Cut Pro. FLYfx's Ralph Scaglione imported xml files and conformed on Smoke 2010 2K. Says Scaglione: "It was pure heaven, soft importing P2 files then working with the batch mode right in the timeline with over 80 live HD layers for the final comps(!)." Scaglione added "What a ride!"
We love this project AND the company MySuit! Here's what they do - you go in once to get measured, then leave the store and head home to custom build your own suit -- online! What a cool idea! Thanks MySuit!!!
Visit them online at www.MySuitNY.com - you'll be glad you did.
The FLYfx Blog team.